Monday, July 16, 2007

I had this bad dream. It's not really a bad dream. I just can't think of my worst dream. Anyway, the 4th year class (our class) and the newly graduates went on vacation. It was fun and all. Then this guy I like bought ice cream. Then he gave the ice cream to everyone except me. I was hurt but didn't care bout it. When it was time for the taxi ride home. I was left behind. That's the worst dream I remeber which isn't really bad.

1 comment:

ygy said...

1. "I had this bad dream. It's not really a bad dream. I just can't think of my worst dream." -> You seem to be using verbal false limbs and meaningless words. :-D
2. "Newly graduates" is not a noun phrase, nor does it make sense. Try "new graduates."
3. Do not use "then" as a sentence beginner in two consecutive sentences.
4. "When it was time for the taxi ride home." -> This does not appear to be a complete sentence.
5. Remember to proofread. You have spelling errors. ;-)