Monday, July 30, 2007

stuff i wanted to do but were never done XD

Back in Grade 4, I was dying to take taekwondo lessons during the summer. It's because I wanted to be active during the summer so when school starts, my legs wouldn't ache after playing soccer. XD I also wanted to learn taekwondo for self defense. Take note, I was in grade 4 XP My parents were going to enroll me but I backed out. :P It's really weird. XD For two summers, that was what I wanted to do but always backed out in the end. XP I also wanted to learn who to speak in Spanish. I learned a few words but it got old too fast. After a few months, I never wanted to pursue it again. That's all that I could remember XD

Monday, July 16, 2007

I had this bad dream. It's not really a bad dream. I just can't think of my worst dream. Anyway, the 4th year class (our class) and the newly graduates went on vacation. It was fun and all. Then this guy I like bought ice cream. Then he gave the ice cream to everyone except me. I was hurt but didn't care bout it. When it was time for the taxi ride home. I was left behind. That's the worst dream I remeber which isn't really bad.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

This is what I think of the Philippine Politics. The Philippine Politics isn't as great as before. It's so corrupt. There are still some "good" politicians but they are so few. They are not enough in number to make this country into a new and improved Philippines. The Philippines is a really nice country. It's just that the people who are running it are sometimes drawn to temptations. If the people would just unite to make this country better, we would be on top. The citizens are also at fault. If they chose wisely to whom their votes should go to, the Philippine Politics and economy would be better than this.

Monday, July 2, 2007

My plans after I graduate would be to have a party with my friends and enjoy the summer of my first year in college. I would have dvd marathons of my favorite shows or movies. I’d want to go to the beach and enjoy the sun. If possible, I’d get a summer job. I could save the money I earned and buy something with it. Examples are cellphone load, gifts for my parents and the money for gimicks. I could also spend time with my family and relatives. I rarely see my relatives..excluding last nights meeting. I do love taking care of my younger nieces and nephews and I love hanging out with my cousins. I want to finish college and have a happy life. These are some of the things I want to do after I graduate.