Monday, August 27, 2007

Superhero :P

If I were a superhero, I'd be Peter Petrelli of Heroes. Unlike Sylar, Peter doesn't need to kill the person to get his/her powers. He can "copy" powers. He has copied Claire Bennet's power of regeneration, Isaac Mendez's power of painting the future, Nathan Petrelli's powere of flying and Matt Parkman's power of telepathy. Those are just some of the powers that Peter has copied in the first season of Heroes. The problem with Peter is that he can't control some of the powers that he copies. It is seen in the last episode of season 1. It really was interesting finding out what his true power was. At first he just thought he could fly. He then learned that his true power was absrorbing other people's powers. Although I don't like his hairstyle, he stills has a cool power.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Most memorable childhood experience...

It would be when the time I got to Disneyland. It's every kid's dream to go there and I did! :D I was so excited to go to USA because I know that we'll go to Disneyland if we ever get to USA. When I got to Disneyland, it was "perfect". Remember, I was only 7 back then. I had fun being there with my family and friends. We rode the rides (how repetitive..). We also went shopping and tried out the food there. I forgot how the food tastes like or what it looks like. I remember taking pictures with Minnie Mouse, Pooh and the other Disney characters. Even though we just spent a day there, I'll never forget the time when everything was "perfect".

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

true happiness

What is true happiness ? According to Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, it is a state of well being and contentment. I believe it is just a simple thing that touches makes you happy. It's really hard to explain. It's easier when you just feel that something so small can make you happy and make it all worth your time. Like unconditional love. You're happy as long as the person you love is. It's just a feeling that makes you very very very happy. You just can't explain why you feel so happy. I totally ran out of words to say about this topic. I'm sorry.